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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani

Adding background or header image to blogger or blogspot is easy.
Just follow the following steps.

  1. You can upload the image file to free host site like http://photobucket.com/
  2. Get the Direct Link of uploaded image to add
  3. Log in to Blogger
  4. Go to Template then Edit HTML
  5. Insert or Change image link URL wherever you want to add

in my case

#header-inner {border:1px solid #5d5d5e; background-position:center; margin:15px auto 0; background-image: url("http://i768.photobucket.com/albums/xx325/doyoung777/1.jpg"); background-position: left; width: 939px; min-height: 421px;_ height: 421px; background-repeat: no-repeat;}

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