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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani

WIPI is a middleware platform used in South Korea that allows mobile phones, regardless of manufacturer or carrier, to run applications. Much of WIPI is based on Java, but it also includes the ability to download and run compiled binary applications as well.

The specification was created by the Mobile Platform Special Subcommittee of the Korea Wireless Internet Standardization Forum (KWISF). The South Korean government had enforced that all cellular phones sold in that country include the WIPI platform to avoid inordinate competition between mobile companies, but the policy is withdrawn from April 2009

Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance that may be used with certified products that belong to a class of wireless local area network (WLAN) devices based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Because of the close relationship with its underlying standard, the term Wi-Fi is often used as a synonym for IEEE 802.11 technology.

excerpted from wikipedia

1 장례식장 서비스 인증 도입 2009
2 전국 지자체간 교통카드 호환 사용을 위한 표준화 2009
3 취업지원자의 편의증진을 위한 표준 이력서 개발 2009
4 건축물 클리닝 서비스 인증 도입 2009
5 맑은 수도물 공급을 위한 수도꼭지, 금속관 등의 수도용 제품 안전성 강화 2009
6 모바일 정보기기(휴대폰, PMP등) 문자입력방식 표준화 2010
7 진공청소기 먼지봉투의 표준화 2010
8 가전제품 공용 리모콘 표준 개발 2010
9 차량 운행정보 기록을 위한 블랙박스 표준화 2010
10 결혼식장 서비스 인증 도입 2010
11 차량수리센터 서비스 인증 도입 2010
12 소비자의 선택을 돕기 위한 고추장 매운맛 등급 표준화 2010
13 조립식 온수온돌 판넬제품 평가방법 표준화 2010
14 RFID기반 공용자전거 통합관리(대여·반납)시스템 표준화 2010
15 가전제품(TV,PC 등)의 무선통신 시스템 표준화 2010
16 모바일 USIM기반의 금융거래 보안 표준화 2010
17 건축용 샌드위치패널 화재 안전성 기준 강화  2010
18 건축물 구조 안전성 확보를 위한 레미콘 품질기준 강화  2010
19 경운기 브레이크등(燈) 표준화 2010
20 녹색 생활체육공간을 위한 인조잔디 표준화 2010
21 휴대용 멀티미디어기기 직류전원장치 표준화 2010
22 휴대폰용 배터리 표준화 2010
23 노트북 전원 어댑터 국제표준화 2011
24 김치냉장고 저장용기의 표준화 2011
25 엘리베이터 버튼위치 표준화 2011
26 공동주택 층간소음 완충재 성능 측정방법 표준화 2011
27 병원간 검사결과(X-ray,CT,초음파 등) 공동 활용을 위한 표준화 2011
28 "빨주노초파남보”알기 쉬운 색채표준 활용 확산 2011
29 의료 시험분석기관의 적합성평가체계 표준화 2011
30 고령자 및 장애인용 생활제품의 표준 개발 2011
31 사회적 배려계층의 안전과 편의를 위한 공공 그림표지 표준 확산 2011
32 차량내장재의 휘발성 유해물질 저감을 위한 표준화 2011
33 한방용 뜸 표준화 2011
34 요식업에서 사용하는 1인분 표준화 2011
35 전기자동차 충전시스템 표준화 2011
36 스마트그리드 기반 실시간 전기요금 관리체계 표준화 2011
37 전기자동차용 배터리 성능 및 안전성 평가방법 표준화 2011
38 서비스용 로봇 성능기준 표준화 2011
39 공기청정기 필터의 표준화 2012
40 최신 한국인 인체정보 확산적용을 위한 제품표준 정비 2012
41 노인요양시설 서비스 표준화 및 인증 도입 2012
42 산후조리원 서비스 인증 도입 2012
43 홍수, 테러 등의 재난대응 시스템 표준화 2012
44 범죄예방을 위해 공원 등 도시설계 표준 개발 2012
45 휴대용 심혈관질환 자가 진단용 바이오센서 표준화 2012
46 방범자재 성능기준 표준화 2012
47 도로교통 시설의 안전ㆍ편의성 향상을 위한 표준화 2012
48 고령자 및 장애인의 기기 활용 편리성 향상 표준화 2012
49 플러그인 하이브리드 전기자동차(PHEV) 연비측정 방법 표준화 2012
50 세제 적정량 사용을 위한 표준 개발 2012

excerpted from 지식경제부 기술표준원

표준기술 - J2EE(Enterprise Edition), J2SE(Standard Edition), J2ME(Micro Edition), 기타 java, javax package
준표준기술 - Library(functional), Framework(architectural)

Layered Architecture Style
1. Presentation Layer
- 표준 : JSP/Servlet
- 준표준 : MVC Framework (Struts + Webwork -> Struts2, Spring MVC)
2. Business Layer
- 표준 : EJB
- 준표준 : Container Framework (Spring Framework)
3. Data Persistence
- 표준 : JDBC
- 준표준 : Data Mapping Framework(iBatis),OR Mapping Framework(Hibernate)

Enterprise System
- 다수의 Request 발생 -> User 증가 -> web(JSP/Servlet)
- 다수의 Transaction 처리 -> Distribute 환경 -> EJB

Servlet/JSP 주요 객체

Class Name
추상화 대상
생성/소멸 시점
데이터 공유
client 요청 data service method의 argument 요청 시 생성 응답 시 소멸 하나의 요청이 끝날 때까지 공유
client 응답 data
web.xml의 Init Parameter data (runtime 시 변경되지 않으며 유지보수 시 사용하기 위한 환경설정 getServletConfig() Servlet과 동일
Web App 대표 getServletContext() Server 시작/종료 시 생성/소멸 모든 사용자의 모든 요청 시 공유
client side 상태 정보값 new Cookie
server side 상태 정보값 request.getSession() 프로그램에서 제어 현 사용자의 모든 요청 시 공유
다른 JSP/Servlet 실행 목적 context.getRequestDispatcher

Ant : XML 형식의 빌드 파일을 이용하여 Source Code 입력 이외 모든 것 자동화
Junit : 자동화된 단위 테스트 구현
Log4j : XML 또는 properties 로그 정책 명시

Custom Tag (Tag Library)
1. Script Tag : <%--, <%, <%=, <%!, <%@
2. Action Tag : <jsp:useBean [ getProperty | setProperty | forward | include...]
3. Custom Tag : 개발자들이 직접 Action tag를 정의, 여러 JSP에서 반복되는 긴 자바코드 or HTML을 Tag로 대체

Tag Comparison
1. <%@ include file="b.jsp" %> : static include (compile 단계), dynamic include에 비해 성능이 아주 약간 더 빠름
2. <jsp:incude page="b.jsp" /> : dynamic include, 변경 시 유지보수 용이, 동일 Web Application 내의 file만 참조 가능 ( ServletContext - RequestDispatcher 이용)
3. <c:import url="b.jsp" /> : dynamic include, 모든 서버 내 file 참조 가능 (Network Program으로 변경)

page redirection
forward 방식 : ServletContext - RequestDispatcher - forward, url 변경이 없으며 새로고침 시 본래 페이지로 이동, 이전 상태 데이터 획득을 위해 Request 객체에 의해 데이터 공유 가능
redirect 방식 : HttpServletResponse - sendRedirect, 브라우저가 현재 페이지의 응답을 client측에 전달하고 다른 페이지로 이동, url 주소 변경 및 새로고침 시 이동한 페이지를 다시 로딩, 이전 상태 데이터 획득을 위해 request객체 대신 Cookie 또는 Session 이용해야 함

The Green Project Begins
MS DOS is the dominant operating system
Cell phones weigh half a pound
"Biosphere 2" project begins
"Oak" is the language
*7 Debuts
"Duke" is featured in the Interface
Johnny Carson signs off "The Tonight Show" on NBC
The Green Project becomes FirstPerson
Mosaic v1.0 is released
"Cheers" ends an 11-year run
WebRunner released — the first browser that supports moving objects and dynamic executable content
The Apple QuickTake 100, the first consumer digital camera, goes on sale for less than $1,000
"Friends" debuts on NBC
Java technology released to a select group on the Web site wicked.neato.org
The San Jose Mercury News runs a front-page article about Java technology
Name changed from "Oak" to "Java"
Announced at Sun World -- Java technology is officially born
The first JavaOne Developer Conference
JDKtm 1.0 software is released
Chess computer Deep Blue defeats Garry Kasparov for the first time
"Dolly" the first cloned sheep is born
Over 220,000 downloads of JDK 1.1 software occur in just three weeks
JavaOne draws 8,000 attendees, becoming the world's largest developer conference
Java Card 2.0 platform is unveiled
43% of U.S. families own a computer
JDK 1.1 release downloads top 2 million
Visa launches world's first smart card based on Java Card technology
The Java Community Process (JCP) program formalized
"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" premieres in the U.K
Java 2 platform source code is released
JavaOne draws 20,000
J2EE beta software is released
"Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" released
Over 400 Java User Groups are established worldwide
Java Developer Connection program tops 1.5 million members
Steve Jobs joins Scott McNealy on stage at JavaOne to announce a major commitment by Apple in support of Java technology
Heavy Metal band Metallica sues Napster for copyright violations
First international JavaOne conference in Yokohama Japan
Over 1 million downloads of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) SDK
Google Inc. PageRank search algorithm patent awarded
"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" is released
J2EE SDK downloads reach 2 million
78% of executives view J2EE technology as the most effective platform for building and deploying Web services
The Euro is introduced
"The Osbournes" becomes a surprise hit on MTV
Java technology runs in almost 550 million desktops
Almost 75% of professional developers use Java programming language as their primary development language
Commercial Voice-Over-Internet (VoiP) phone service begins
"The Da Vinci Code" is published
Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5 (Project Tiger) is released
The Java technology-powered Mars Rover (Spirit) touches down on Mars
Sun Java Studio Creator is launched
Java technology celebrates its 10th birthday
Approximately 4.5 million developers use Java technology
Over 2.5 billion Java technology-enabled devices are available
java.com bundles the Google Toolbar with the JRE download
Rich Green announces at the JavaOne 2006 Conference that it's not a matter of when Sun will open source Java technology, but how. The NetBeans IDE 5.0 is released. Sun open-sourced Java EE components as the Glassfish Project to java.net. Java SE and ME initial components are released as open source. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is released.

from http://www.java.com/en/javahistory/timeline.jsp

애플 아이폰3GS의 출시와 함께 앱스토어(App Store) 시장도 빠르게 재편될 조짐이다.

또 아이폰3GS가 모바일 게임 앱에 특화된 성능을 갖추게 됨에 따라 모바일 게임시장서 3축을 이뤘던 소니, 닌텐도, ()의 경쟁판도에도 적잖은 변화가 예고되고 있다.

8일(현지시간) 애플의 스마트폰 차세대 모델인 ‘아이폰3GS’가 본격 발표됨에 따라 관련 앱스토어 개발자 사이에선 ‘3차원(D) 입체영상’ 중심의 게임 콘텐츠 개발이 활발히 진행될 것이란 의견이 힘을 받고 있다.

물 론 종전의 아이폰에서도 3D 영상은 지원됐으나 개발에 따른 제약조건이 컸다. 이날 소개된 아이폰3GS는 하지만 모바일 3D 표준엔진이자 최근 소개된 ‘오픈GL ES 2.0’ 버전을 탑재하고, 관련 성능들도 대폭 개선되면서 온라인 PC게임에서 보던 3차원 입체영상의 품질을 아이폰에서도 구현 가능하게 됐다.

앱(App) 개발 전문가인 이창신 ias(iNDI aPPLICATION sOFTWARE) 총감독은 “새로 출시된 아이폰3GS는 기존의 ‘오픈 GL-ES 1.1’ 칩셋에서 2.0 운영체제(OS)로 업그레이드 됐다.”라며 “2.0 OS는 플레이스테이션3(PS3)에서 봤던 최신의 3D 기술을 구현할 수 있으므로 모바일 디바이스 시장에서도 3차원 게임 개발 붐이 일어날 것”이라고 전망했다.

하지만 애플 발표회에선 1.1과 2.0간의 호환성에 대해선 별다른 언급이 없었다. 만일의 경우 종전의 디바이스에선 아이폰3GS에 적합하게 만들어진 게임 앱을 구동할 수 없을 수도 있다.

그러므로 앱 개발자는 제작포맷을 1.1과 2.0 버전 중에서 한 가지를 택하거나, 두 가지 버전을 따로 제작해야 하는 번거로움을 감수해야 한다.

이 에 관해 이감독은 “아직 구체적인 내용은 언급된 바 없지만 애플사의 입장에선 아이폰3GS에 초점을 맞춘 앱들의 등장이 차후 제품 교체시장으로 이어질 것을 기대하는 듯 하다”며 “항간에선 당장의 3차원 게임 앱 제작에 대한 공급량이 많지 않을 것으로 보여 이전 모델인 1.1과 새 모델인 2.0 칩셋에서 모두 이용할 수 있는 듀얼(Dual)시스템으로 갈 가능성이 농후하다”고 내다봤다.

이감독은 아울러 “조만간 아이팟터치 3세대 제품이 출시되면, 국내시장에서도 3차원 모바일게임들이 각광을 받게 될 것이다.”고 풀이했다.

▲ P2P 연결 기능은 멀티플레이어 게임을 가능하게 한다
하드웨어간의 연결성을 확보한 점도 앱 개발자들에겐 주목할만한 변화다.

아 이폰3GS는 제품간 연결을 와이파이(Wi-Fi)에 의존하던 틀을 깨고 P2P(peer to peer: 개인간 파일 공유)가 가능한 블루투스를 지원, 데이터를 더욱 손쉽게 주고 받을 수 있으며 연결된 기기간의 게임대결도 가능하다.

앱 개발자인 김동신 파프리카랩 대표는 “무선랜 환경이 갖춰지지 않았더라도 블루투스를 통해 다이렉트로 연결할 수 있어 게임 네트워크 구축이 더 용이해졌다”며 특히 애플사의 특정제품이 아니더라도 하드웨어간의 연결성을 열어둔 점에 큰 관심을 내비췄다.

즉, 아이폰3GS는 동종 계열의 아이폰이나 아이팟터치 뿐만 아니라 나 닌텐도 등 게임경쟁사의 리모컨이나 첨단 의료보조기기인 모바일 헬스케어와도 연결해 사용할 수 있다.

애 플 발표회에서 시연된 장면을 예로 들면 당뇨환자의 경우 혈당측정기를 아이폰에 연결해서 사용할 수 있다. 만일 환자에게 이상이 발생할 경우 아이폰3GS를 통해 인터넷상에 상태를 알리게 되고, 관련 처방을 인터넷에 연결된 메디컬센터를 통해 받을 수 있다. 아이폰3GS의 무선인터넷을 십분 활용한 것이다.

이 같은 기능은 아이폰용 소프트웨어개발키트(SDK)에서 외부 하드웨어와 액세서리간의 연결을 통제한 API 공개를 통해 가능하게 됐단다. 대부분의 모바일 디바이스간의 연결성을 고려해 게임이나 다른 애플리케이션을 제작할 수 있게 된 것이다.

김동신 대표는 “하드웨어간의 연결성은 소프트웨어 개발자들에겐 그간 개발 쟁점이었으나 아이폰3GS가 출시되면서 이 같은 기술과 노하우를 아이폰에 적용할 수 있게 됐다”며 “애플리케이션 실행속도가 이전보다 더욱 빨라지고, 배터리의 전력소비량도 늘어남에 따라 휴대폰이라기 보단 게임기에 더 가까운 아이폰으로 탈바꿈됐다고 표현하는 것이 맞을 것”이라고 말했다.

김대표는 또 “모바일 게임의 경쟁은 디바이스는 물론 콘텐츠에 의해서 좌우된다”며 “세계 유명한 게임 소프트웨어(SW) 개발자들이 참여하고 있으며, 잘 다져진 유통망과 개발사가 있는 한 모바일 게임시장에선 아이폰이 훨씬 유리한 고지에 있다”고 덧붙였다.

Written by Sarah Perez / August 4, 2009 8:50 AM

The term "cloud computing" is being bandied about a lot these days, mainly in the context of the "future of the web." But cloud computing's potential doesn't begin and end with the personal computer's transformation into a thin client - the mobile platform is going to be heavily impacted by this technology as well. At least that's the analysis being put forth by ABI Research. Their recent report, Mobile Cloud Computing, theorizes that the cloud will soon become a disruptive force in the mobile world, eventually becoming the dominant way in which mobile applications operate.
You may be wondering: what does the term "mobile cloud computing" really mean? Basically, it refers to an infrastructure where both the data storage and the data processing happen outside of the mobile device. Today, there are already some good examples of mobile cloud computing applications including mobile Gmail, Google Maps, and some navigation apps. However, the majority of applications today still do most of the data storage and processing on the mobile devices themselves and not in the cloud. In a few years, that could change.

Why Mobile Cloud Computing?

With a Western-centric view of the world, it can sometimes be hard to remember that not everyone owns a smartphone. There are still a large number of markets worldwide where the dominant phone is a feature phone. While it's true that smartphones will grow in percentage and feature phones will become more sophisticated in time, these lower-end phones are not going away anytime soon. And it's their very existence which will help drive the mobile cloud computing trend.
Not only is there a broader audience using feature phones in the world, there are also more web developers capable of building mobile web applications than there are developers for any other type of mobile device. Those factors, combined with the fact that feature phones themselves are becoming more capable with smarter built-in web browsers (and more alternative browsers available for download), will have an impact on mobile cloud computing's growth.

How Will Mobile Cloud Computing Become a Disruptive Force?

There are two primary reasons why ABI believes cloud computing will become a disruptive force in the mobile world. The first is simply the number of users the technology has the power to reach: far more than the number of smartphone users alone. The second reason has to do with how applications are distributed today. Currently, mobile applications are tied to a carrier. If you want an iPhone app, for example, you have to first have a relationship with the mobile operator who carries the iPhone. If you want a Blackberry app, the same rule applies. But with mobile clouding computing applications, as long as you have access to the web, you have access to the mobile application.

Moves by PaaS Players Could Change Everything

When you think of Plaform-as-a-Service (PaaS), one of the first companies that springs to mind is probably Salesforce. With their Force.com platform, business applications can be built and run "in the cloud." But Salesforce is not the only major PaaS player out there today - Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google's App Engine are also two platforms that could have a major impact on this trend.
Currently, AWS is used by over half a million developers and Google's App Engine hosts 45,000 applications. Now imagine if those two companies along with Force.com all of a sudden started aggressively marketing their mobile capabilities. Today, neither AWS nor Google offers this, and Salesforce's mobile offering is limited to smartphones (Windows Mobile, Blackberry, and iPhone). But if the companies decided to make building for the mobile web as easy as building for the web, you could have a mobile revolution on your hands.

But People Like Apps!

Saying that "mobile cloud computing" is the future doesn't mean phones will be filled with links to websites that work in any browser instead of special, downloadable applications, some of which you can even purchase. Instead, mobile applications will exist in both formats. As for the downloadable applications themselves, they will still appear to be your typical mobile app - end users won't even notice a difference. However, there will be a difference - it will just be on the back-end. Mobile applications will begin to store your data in the cloud as opposed to on the mobile device, and the applications will become more powerful as processing power is also offloaded to the cloud.
The first mobile apps powered by the cloud will likely be business-focused mobile productivity applications where collaboration, data sharing, multitasking, and scheduling are key factors. For consumers, though, navigation and mapping applications will be the most obvious examples of the trend. Plus, there are some specialty applications today which already function as mobile cloud apps - for example, Schlage offers a remote keyless entry system which lets you mobilely control your home from a distance. You can let someone into your house, manage your lights, your thermostat, your camera system, etc. There are also a few applications in the iPhone app store that let you remotely manage your PC and your DVR, too.

Potential Problems

Of course, there are some potential issues that could be barriers to this shift in mobile computing. The most notable problem is the lack of speedy mobile Internet access everywhere. Here in the US, for example, 3G coverage is spotty outside urban areas, leading to intermittent connection issues and slow speeds. Other markets may have it even worse.
However, new technologies like HTML5, which does local caching, could help mobile cloud apps get past those sorts of issues. And there's even a chance that the browser could one day be replaced - at least in some markets - with another technology altogether which provides a better way to access the mobile web. ABI Research mentions initiatives like OMA's Smartcard Web Server, essentially a souped-up SIM card that connects directly with the carrier to push applications to mobile phones. There's also TokTok, a technology that allows access to web services like Gmail and Google Calendar by voice. With voice-enabled search like this, mobile apps could talk directly to the service itself which sits on the edge of the network, as opposed to needing the user to launch a web browser and navigate through the mobile web.

When Will Mobile Cloud Computing Really Take Off?

According to ABI, this change is only a few years away. By 2010, we'll see one or all of the major PaaS players marketing their mobile capabilities, they say. But first, API standards from open-source mobile collaboration group BONDI will go into effect. Later, in 2011, we'll see more of HTML5, and the OneAPI standard will come into play. (OneAPI involves standardized apps for networks allowing developers to consistently access parts of network providers' capabilities, such as location services). All these factors combined will help drive the move to the cloud.
The changes will occur with differing speeds depending on the market. Markets with higher Internet participation will obviously lead the way, as will markets with higher subscriber penetration. That includes Western Europe, North America, and parts of Asia. Other markets will then follow. By 2014, mobile cloud computing will become the predominant application development strategy. By that time, our PCs will be more like thin client devices than they are today, and now it seems our phones will too.

Mobile web browsers differ greatly in terms of features offered an operating systems supported. The best can display most websites and offer page zoom and keyboard shortcuts, while others can only display websites optimizes for mobile devices.
While some devices don't offer much of a choice in which mobile web browser you can use, many new devices are running operating systems like Windows Mobile that has several different mobile web browsers built for it. Mobile devices running the Symbian S60 also have a few choices for which mobile web browser you can use.

Opera Mobile

  • Key Features: Multiple tabs, Zoom-in
  • Operating System: Windows Mobile, Symbian
  • Price: $24
Watch this mobile browser in action.
Read the Review.

Opera Mini

  • Key Features: Compressed downloads for fast browsing, Zoom-in
  • Operating System: Java
  • Price: Free
Read the Review.


  • Key Features: Display rich websites with Flash or widgets like YouTube, customizable zoom feature
  • Operating System: Windows Mobile, Symbian
  • Price: Free
Watch this mobile browser in action.
Sign up for the Open Beta


  • Key Features: Display rich websites like YouTube, zoom feature, excellent touch-based user interface
  • Operating System: iPhone
  • Price: Free with iPhone
Watch this mobile browser in action.

Mozilla's Minimo

  • Key Features: Multiple tabs, Social bookmarking
  • Operating System: Windows Mobile
  • Price: Free (open source)

Google Android

  • Key Features: Display rich websites, zoom feature, touch screen interface
  • Operating System: Google Android
  • Price: Free with Android
Watch this mobile browser in action.

Bitstream's Thunderhawk

  • Key Features: Compressed downloads for fast browsing, Zoom-in display
  • Operating System: Symbian S60, Windows Mobile, Java
  • Price: $49.95/year or $5.95/month

Microsoft IE for Mobile

  • Key Features: Standard browser features
  • Operating System: Windows Mobile
  • Price: Free with Windows Mobile


  • Key Features: Standard browser features
  • Operating System: Palm OS
  • Price: Free with Palm OS

S60 Web Browser

  • Key Features: Standard browser features
  • Operating System: S60
  • Price: Free with S60